Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Aerial Map of my Sit Spot

February 23, 2010

This past week I had been putting off visiting my sit spot in hopes that some snow would fall and offer me a more exact idea of what travels through the clearing in my sit spot... my advice for life: don't let the weather forecast get your hopes up, invariably it will be wrong. Anyway, I finally got there today, and as I began my walk, lo and behold, giant almost painfully large snowflakes began to fall from the sky. Just my luck I guess. I quickly mapped out my area because my sketchbook wasn't responding well to the wet fluffiness that fell upon its pages. It was eerily quiet today, my squirrel friends were not around peering at me, so I assume they were off someplace looking for some food, but who knows, maybe I just didn't stay still long enough for them to find me.

Here's a scan of my map, if you click on it you can see the whole thing (formatting this was a huge hassle):

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